熊贝贝,博士毕业于意大利都灵理工大学。主要从事可持续土木工程材料与结构抗冲击等方面的研究。 共发表论文近 10 篇, 其中以一作身份发表 JCR-Q1 期刊论文 4 篇(含中科 院一区 top 期刊 3 篇),论文总引用数 200 多次。参加过中国、意大利等多个国家举办的国 际学术会议并作口头学术报告, 曾担任 EMI IC 2023 国际会议分会场主持人。
2019/12 - 2023/06, 都灵理工大学, 土木工程学院,工学博士
2016/09 - 2019/06, 南京工业大学, 土木工程学院,工学硕士
2012/09 - 2016/06, 安徽工业大学, 土木工程学院,工学学士
2023/10 -至今, 南京工业大学, 建筑工程系, 讲师
意大利 COREPL 基金 (2020-2021) (再生塑料颗粒在混凝土中的应用)核心技术骨干
欧盟玛丽居里项目: ADDitively Manufactured OPTimized Structures by means of Machine Learning (2021-2025) 参与
1. Xiong B., Falliano, D., Restuccia, L., et al. (2023). Mortar with substituted recycled PET powder: experimental characterization and data-driven strength predictive models. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE). (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院二区, IF 3.651).
2. Xiong B., Falliano, D., Restuccia, L., et al. (2023). High-strain rate compressive behavior of concrete with two different substituted recycled plastic aggregates: Experimental characterization and probabilistic modeling. Construction and Building Materials: 130279. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院 一区 Top, IF 7.693) (Citation: 7).
3. Xiong, B., Demartino, C., Xu, J., Simi, A., Marano, G. C., & Xiao, Y. (2021). High-strain
rate compressive behavior of concrete made with substituted coarse aggregates: Recycled crushed
concrete and clay bricks. Construction and Building Materials, 301, 123875. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科 院一区 Top, IF 7.693) (Citation: 41).
4. Xiong B., Demartino C., Xiao Y. (2019). High-strain rate compressive behavior of CFRP confined concrete: Large diameter SHPB tests. Construction and Building Materials, 201, 484- 501. (SCI, JCR Q1,中科院一区 Top, IF 7.693) (Citation: 67).
5. Xiong, B., Falliano, D., Marano, G. C., Restuccia, L., Di Trapani, F., Ferro, G.A.
Experimental Characterization of Mortar with Recycled PET Aggregate: Preliminary Results. In:
Procedia Structural Integrity. (Citation: 2).
6. Xu, J.J., Chen, Y.L., Xie,T.Y., Zhao, X.Y., Xiong, B., Chen, Z.P. Prediction of triaxial
behavior of recycled aggregate concrete using multivariable regression and artificial neural
network techniques. Construction and Building Materials. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF 6.141) (Citation: 89).
7. Xiong, B., Demartino, C., Marano, G. C., Trapani, F. D., Xu, J., & Xiao, Y. (2021, August).
Dynamic Compressive Behavior of Recycled Bricks Aggregate Concrete Under SHPB Tests. In:
International Conference of the European Association on Quality Control of Bridges and
Structures (pp. 1197- 1206). Springer, Cham.
8. Xiong B, Demartino C, Xiao Y. SHPB Tests on CFRP Confined Concrete: Preliminary Results. In: The 8th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation (ACF2018). Fuzhou, 2018,
Volume II: 1167- 1172.
江苏省土木工程专业优秀毕业生, 2019
安徽省优秀毕业生, 2016
“八一钢铁奖学金“ 行业奖学金, 2015
国家奖学金, 2014
邮箱: beibei.xiong@njtech.edu.cn